Los accidentes de peatones

There are numerous traffic laws designed to protect pedestrians. Motorists are expected to be vigilant and yield to individuals walking and running on the roads and sidewalks. Unfortunately, vehicles still collide with pedestrians, leaving the pedestrian with serious and often life-threatening injuries.

At the Whittier area law firm of Dixon & Daley, LLP, we understand the issues that victims face when trying to recover and seek justice after a pedestrian accident. Our lawyers have been standing up for the rights of injured people for more than 40 years and have the experience you need in order to get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered. Whether the driver did not stop for you in a crosswalk or hit you on the side of the road, let us help you with your personal injury claim.


A large number of pedestrian accidents are hit-and-runs. Whether the driver does not know that he or she collided with a person or there is simply a complete disregard for an injured pedestrian, it is against the law to leave the scene of an accident. The consequences for the driver are increased when he or she leaves the scene of an accident that resulted in injuries.

As an injured pedestrian, the victim of a hit-and-run, you may not know your rights. It may seem as though you cannot get compensation for your injuries since there is no driver to hold responsible. If the police do not locate the driver who struck you, it may be possible to obtain compensation from your own auto insurance company.

Our firm has vast experience dealing with insurance companies. We can examine your policy and determine how to approach the situation. You will not be left alone to deal with your injuries by yourself. We stand by our clients, aggressively pursuing compensation from any and all parties that may be negligent and/or responsible.

Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation

For a free initial consultation regarding the injuries you sustained as a pedestrian, contact us at 562-946-3737. Or send an email using the form on this website. We charge our legal fees on a contingency basis, which means you do not pay unless you receive fair and full compensation.

Hablamos español.

Resultados De Casos

$4.5 Millones De Dolares Ganados Para El Cliente

Negligencia Médica - Hipóxico Lesión Cerebral Durante la Cirugía.

$2.9 Millones De Dolares Ganados Para El Cliente

Accidente de Construccion Resultando en una Fusión Cervical

$1.6 Millones De Dolares Ganados Para El Cliente

Accidente de Camión V. Pedestre Resultando en Multiples Fracturas

$1.2 Millones De Dolares Ganados Para El Cliente

Compensacion al Trabajador - Daño en la Columna Con Pagos Garantisados al Cliente de Por Vida.

$1.2 Millones De Dolares Ganados Para El Cliente

Motocicleta V. Automobil Resultando en Multiples Fracturas y Cicatrización

$933,000.00 Ganados Para El Cliente

Niño Quemado Cuando se Derrumbó una Mesa Derramando Agua Hirviendo De Café Sobre El

$780,000.00 Ganados Para El Cliente

Responsabilidad del Coche en Disputa V. Colisión con Camión.

$500,000.00 Ganados Para El Cliente

Compensacion al Trabajador por Daño en la Columna

Contáctanos Para Una Consulta Gratuita