California workers may be interested in an accident that occurred at a livestock feed plant in Omaha, Neb. The accident resulted in injuries and deaths for some of those employed at the plant, and is still under investigation by authorities.
On the morning of Jan. 20, at the International Nutrition building in Omaha, witnesses heard an explosion and saw two of the top floors collapse. 17 workers were injured in the collapse and 2 were killed. The two men that were killed were both Omaha residents. One of the men’s bodies was retrieved that day, but a special team had to be utilized to find the body of the second man killed in the collapse.
Authorities with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration made a statement regarding their inquiry on Jan. 22. Two major possible causes are being investigated. First is combustible dust, which is any dust that has the potential to catch fire. The material used in the building could have caused such dust, authorities say. The second possible cause is a structural issue in the building. Inspectors are currently having difficulty entering the building in order to complete their investigation. A spokesman for the agency stated that it could take weeks before a definite cause is found.
The injured workers and the families of the two workers killed in the collapse could have a valid claim against their workplace or the designer of the building if negligence is uncovered. An attorney who is experienced in cases where workplace injuries have taken place could be helpful in investigating and bringing such a case against the responsible party. This could result in workers’ compensation, pain and suffering damages and even wrongful death damages in the cases of the deceased workers.
Source: ABC News, “OSHA Seeking Cause of Omaha Industrial Accident”, Margery A. Beck, January 22, 2014