Workers from California may not realize that whenever a company hires large numbers of new employees, or large numbers of employees retire, it can significantly influence workplace safety. Companies that mainly consist of seasoned employees often experience the best safety awareness because employees have a better understanding of what dangers may be present on a job site. However, when a company makes major changes to their infrastructure in a small amount of time without strategically changing safety programs to accommodate new hires, the number of work-related injuries could rise.
Newer employees may be rushed into a job without adequate safety training if a company finds that the majority of their current employees are leaving and needs to fill the gap quickly. An employer may fail to realize that the cycling of employees requires major changes to safety procedures. This specific trend has birthed a new marketplace for enhancing safety measures in the workforce.
Consultant and training organizations can help companies improve accident-related conditions. This could result in fewer workers’ compensation claims being filed, better employee performance and more efficiency in the operations of the company.
Cumulative injuries are possible to prevent if an organization takes the appropriate measure to ensure their employee’s safety. This is mutually beneficial for all who are involved in the company’s functions. When accidents do happen, however, an injured worker can take the steps to file a compensation claim to receive benefits for their subsequent financial losses. Speaking with an attorney regarding any confusions might help quicken the process.
Source: EHS Today, “When Organizations Outgrow Their Safety Programs”, Terry L. Mathis, Jan. 12, 2015