While the risk of being involved in an accident at work is prevalent in all occupations, those who work with heavy equipment may face unique risks. Regardless of the occupation, employers in California and other states are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage in the event an employee suffers workplace injuries. The family of a recently deceased man may be entitled to these benefits after an accident caused his death.
The incident occurred in mid-December. The 22-year-old male victim was an employee of Sears Auto Center. A customer reportedly asked that a tire be mounted on a specific room. As the employee was doing so using an industrial tire changer, the tire reportedly blew, striking the worker in the head.
The man was transported to the hospital for treatment, but ultimately died from the injuries he suffered. Reports indicate that a 23-year-old customer was also injured in the incident. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been contacted and will likely conduct an investigation into the accident to determine if workplace safety or health standards were violated leading to the accident.
While it is never easy to unexpectedly lose a loved one, it may be especially difficult around the holidays. During what should be a time of celebrations and family togetherness, the family of this young man is instead grieving and likely planning a funeral as a result of workplace injuries. Unfortunately, funeral costs and medical bills can create an additional, unexpected burden for an already grieving family. Many in California who have faced similar circumstances seek help from a professional with experience with the workers’ compensation process in order to ensure fair treatment.
Source: necn.com, “Police: Sears Auto Employee Dead After Tire Explosion, Customer Injured“, Crystal Garner, Dec.19, 2015