Investigation after accident that caused fatal workplace injuries

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2016 | Uncategorized

Most employers in California are aware that there is some degree of risk in almost all job-related tasks that workers perform. As a result, most want to ensure that employees are as safe as possible and that their workplace rules and procedures meet the guidelines set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Unfortunately, not all workplace injuries can be prevented. In fact, a recent accident that resulted in a fatality in another state remains under investigation.

Police and rescue workers were called to Fuller Industries just after noon one day in mid-November. Reports indicate that an employee had been injured. Unfortunately, police discovered that the man suffered severe head injuries resulting in his death.

Many of the details surrounding the incident are unclear. However, officials claim that the man’s death was likely an accident. At last report, police were waiting to ensure that the man’s family has been notified before releasing his identity. Typically a workplace death such as this results in investigations by a number of different agencies, including OSHA.

Despite the safety precautions in place at various workplaces, employees and their families are still left suffering the consequences of workplace injuries in California. Fortunately, employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their workers. Workers’ comp benefits help provide for the financial complications created by a workplace accident, including loss of wages and medical bills. In the case of a fatality, the benefits typically extend to certain family members. Because victims are often emotionally unprepared for the compensation process, many seek the help of an experienced professional who can help them maneuver the path to compensation.

Source:, “Man dies in accident at Fuller Industries”, Dale Hogg, Nov. 17, 2016

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