When carrying out work-related duties, it is important that individuals ensure that their work areas are safe. However, some conditions may be overlooked, and as a result, workers could unexpectedly find themselves involved in a sudden accident. Often, these on-the-job incidents can cause serious workplace injuries, and parties may need medical attention and time to recover.
California residents may be interested in a work-related accident that recently took place in another state. Reports indicated that an employee at a metal recycling plant was attempting to cut scrap metal when the incident occurred. Apparently, he was working next to a fuel tank, and presumably, sparks from the metal cutting caused the fuel vapors to ignite. An explosion resulted.
The explosion caused the man to suffer serious burn injuries. The local fire chief stated that the man suffered second and third degree burns to multiple areas of his body. It was not stated whether he received immediate treatment at the scene or if he was taken to an area medical center. It was noted that no other workers were injured in the event.
Many workers do not expect to find themselves injured while carrying out their job duties. However, workplace injuries are not uncommon, and workers can suffer from the effects for a considerable amount of time. Due to financial challenges that can result from such incidents, negatively affected California workers may wish to determine whether they could qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. By speaking with knowledgeable attorneys, interested individuals may be able to obtain useful information on workers’ comp applications and how to deal with any delays or issues.
Source: providencejournal.com, “Worker injured when fuel tank explodes in Providence“, Linda Borg, Oct. 24, 2017