When an unexpected situation results in individuals or families facing financial difficulties, it is not unusual for those parties to feel uncertain about their assistance options. If a California family loses a loved one due to fatal workplace injuries, it is likely that the lost income from that person’s death as well as other related issues could cause them to experience monetary hardships. However, if they qualify, surviving family may be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits.
The family of a man in another state may be considering such benefits after a recent work-related accident. Reports stated that the man worked in a flooring plant and was on duty when he somehow became caught between two machines. Details on how the man ended up in this situation were not given in the report, but it was mentioned that there was no criminal investigation relating to the incident.
Unfortunately, the accident resulted in the man suffering fatal injuries. He was reported as being 51 years old. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the fatal event. It was noted that OSHA had investigated the flooring company several times over the last five years.
Though surviving families of individuals who died from workplace injuries may qualify for workers’ compensation, the process may not always be easy. California families facing such a predicament may wonder what steps they should take in hopes of obtaining these benefits and how they should handle any delays that may come about. Luckily, concerned parties could obtain assistance from knowledgeable attorneys as they work to pursue financial assistance.
Source: 11alive.com, “Georgia plant worker killed after being stuck between machines“, Kristen Reed, Nov. 1, 2017