Falls account for a considerable number of injuries that take place on construction sites. Workers could fall from ladders, scaffolding, flooring that gives way or in various other scenarios. Unfortunately, these workplace injuries can easily prove serious or even fatal, and workers may struggle to recover and make ends meet financially during the aftermath of such an event.
It was recently reported that four construction workers in California were injured in a work-related accident. Apparently, the individuals were on a plank and attempting to carry a piece of metal that they were trying to attach to a wall. However, while on the plank, it fell through, and the workers toppled three stories down. It was noted that the structure they were working on is six stories tall.
The four individuals were injured, and three of those parties were considered to be in critical condition. Additional information on the accident and the workers’ injuries were not given in the report. Another worker not affected by the incident stated that the type of work the individuals were doing was usually carried out using a crane or lift, but one was not used at the time of the accident.
Critical injuries can be difficult to recover from, but it is hoped that all individuals injured in this California incident will successfully pull through. Of course, even if they do recover, they may still face hardships and financial challenges that could prove troublesome. Because they suffered workplace injuries, they may have the ability to qualify for workers’ compensation, which could help them obtain financial assistance if their applications are approved. Information on these benefits may help them determine how and when to get started if they wish to pursue compensation.
Source: CBS Los Angeles, “4 Construction Workers Injured In 3-Story Fall Down Elevator Shaft“, Feb. 16, 2018