Construction injury leaves man in serious condition

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2018 | Construction Workers' Accidents

No California resident wants to have financial worries, but money problems often affect most people at some point. This type of issue can be even more problematic after suffering a construction injury. Workers in this industry are often at risk of being involved in an injury-causing accident, and when injuries do occur, it is possible that medical bills and lost wages due to time away from work could also cause financial struggles.

One worker in another state may have such worries on his mind after recently suffering injuries on the job. The 25-year-old man was working on a construction project that involved cutting concrete pipes when the saw he was using hit his face. It was unclear what may have caused this accident to occur.

The saw cut the man’s face in the incident, and he was considered to be in serious condition at the time of the report. Additional information on his injury was not given. It was noted that he had to be flown by helicopter to the hospital in order to be treated. The accident was under investigation at the time of the report.

When a construction injury has serious outcomes, the injured party may feel extremely worried about various aspects of his or her future. When it comes to the financial problems that could result, workers’ compensation benefits may help with issues relating to medical bills and lost wages. However, it is not always easy to obtain these benefits, and California workers who have been injured may wish to seek legal assistance with their applications and any issues that arise during the process.

Source:, “Worker cutting concrete pipe flown to hospital with saw injury to face“, Nancy Gaarder, April 17, 2018

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