The hazards that jobs present can vary from profession to profession. When individuals have duties that require them to operate a vehicle, make frequent stops or even get out of the vehicle and onto the road, there is a considerable likelihood of vehicle-involved accidents taking place. Unfortunately, these incidents could cause fatal injuries that leave families looking into workers’ compensation.
California residents may be interested in such an event that recently took place in another state. Reports stated that a 52-year-old man had been working for a trash collection company when his work vehicle was involved in an accident with another vehicle. The man was outside his trash truck when a pickup truck struck the man before hitting the trash truck.
The incident resulted in the worker suffering injuries that proved fatal. He was airlifted to an area hospital where he was declared deceased. It was noted the the driver of the pickup truck was also injured in the crash, but he was expected to survive. Additional information about the accident may become available at a later time as it was still under investigation at the time of the report.
The death of a loved one due to a work-related accident is a devastating experience. When this takes place, many California families may wonder how they will be able to contend with the difficulties the situation presents. In terms of finances, workers’ compensation may be able to help. Qualifying surviving family members may obtain certain financial benefits, and to explore this route further, individuals may wish to utilize local legal resources for reliable information.