In some lines of work, California workers face risks of injury every day. While numerous people are able to make it home after a hard day’s work without so much as a scratch, others may not be so lucky. In fact, some workplace injuries could have lasting impacts and present the need for serious medical attention.
It was recently reported that a worker in another state suffered a complete amputation of his arm. Emergency personnel were called to the scene of the accident, which took place a little after 10 a.m. A statement from a police chief who came to the scene indicated that the worker was awake and stable as he was being transported by air to a medical facility. The worker was reported as being 44 years old.
The accident took place while the man was working with an industrial auger. He was drilling holes in the ground with the piece of machinery when his arm somehow became trapped in the drill bit. The turning force of the drill resulted in the amputation. The worker’s name was not given in the report. It did not appear that any other workers were involved or injured in the incident.
Work-related accidents are always scary events. In many cases, a workday seems to be going normally, and the next minute, severe workplace injuries have resulted from a sudden accident. If California workers have been injured on the job, they may have a hard time ahead. When it comes to addressing financial concerns after such an event, it may be wise for injured parties to explore workers’ compensation information to determine whether these benefits could help their predicaments.