These days, many California residents and companies are adamant about going green. In fact, there is an entire sector known as green construction that focuses on using environmentally-friendly building materials and building practices. While these steps can go along way in reducing harm to the environment, there is still a chance that a construction injury can take place on these sites.
Green construction can help workers in certain ways. For example, construction workers are less likely to face hazardous materials while on construction sites or face exposure to pollutants. Additionally, more training is commonly provided for green construction projects because the methods used on these projects are not necessarily common knowledge. As a result, workers receive new training that can help them stay safe on the job rather than relying on past training.
Of course, when individuals are implementing new ways of completing projects, the chance does exist that workers could suffer injuries because they are not used to the new methods. Plus, some of those new techniques could be risky. Even the materials that workers use could pose issues if they do not have experience using them.
Though efforts to go green are certainly admirable, it is important that workers are trained thoroughly on how to use unfamiliar materials and building methods. If a construction injury does result, it is important that any injured workers receive the medical attention they need. Of course, a work-related injury under any circumstances can be a major setback, and it is wise for California employees to understand their options for obtaining workers’ compensation.