Though most people have a plan for their day, predicting what exactly will happen is essentially impossible. Some days, a pleasant surprise may occur, and on other days, a harrowing and unexpected event could take place. For individuals who work in the construction industry, the possibility of a normal day turning shocking due to construction accidents is always present.
California readers may be interested in a recent construction accident that took place in another state. According to reports, a water replacement project was taking place on a construction site. It was unclear exactly how many workers were on the site or what their specific duties were. Nonetheless, two workers became trapped after asphalt caved in on top of them. It was unclear what may have caused the cave-in.
The workers were rescued from the debris by other contractors, and emergency personnel came to the scene. Both individuals were transported from the scene to the hospital by ambulance. At the time of the report, there was no information available regarding any injuries they suffered or their specific conditions. It is likely that the incident is still under investigation.
Construction accidents often lead to serious injuries, and any time such an event occurs, it is important for California workers to understand their rights and options. They could easily face financial trouble and other setbacks due to work-related injuries, so it is wise for them to determine whether they may qualify for workers’ compensation. If injured parties have questions about benefits or need help applying, they may wish to contact attorneys experienced in this area of law.