Grief intensified when workplace injuries are fatal

On Behalf of | May 26, 2020 | Workplace Injuries

Many California workers are employed in industries that carry a high risk for personal injury. This is one of many reasons employers are obligated to provide information, training and equipment to help keep workers as safe as possible on the job. It is also why they purchase workers’ compensation insurance; if workplace injuries occur, an injured employee can file a claim to collect benefits to help pay medical bills or replace lost wages during recovery.

It is always especially tragic when a workplace accident results in a fatality. A recent incident occurred that ended this way. Rescue workers were initially dispatched to a state building after receiving an emergency call regarding a worker who reportedly had been electrocuted on the job.

When responders arrived at the scene, they found the 51-year-old worker unconscious. They performed CPR on him and then transported him to a nearby medical facility. He was listed in critical condition at the time. Sadly, as often happens with injuries of such magnitude, the man did not survive the accident. 

Electrical work typically ranks near the top on most lists regarding high risk for workplace injuries. Such incidents often prompt investigations by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. If a deceased California worker had a spouse, he or she may wish to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to discuss options that might be available for claiming survivors’ benefits to help cover funeral expenses and alleviate other financial distress. The process of filing a claim can be complex and stressful, which is one of numerous reasons it helps to rely on an experienced attorney for support.

FindLaw Network

Case Results

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$2.9 Million Settlement

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$850,000.00 Settlement (Before MICRA)

Medical Malpractice - Endotracheal injury during surgery resulting in death.

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Disputed liability car v. truck collision.

$500,000.00 Settlement

Workers Compensation - Spinal injuries to delivery driver.

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